Beginners' Courses
Beginners' course is for learning the basic skills of the sport. Your combat path starts at a beginners' class: there you will learn all the skills you need for training at advanced classes.
The price for beginners' course includes two coached sessions per week for six weeks. On the last week of the beginners' course, the course participants get to try out training in an advanced class.
When purchasing a course with reduced price (students, members, purchasers of a second beginners' course), be prepared to prove your right for a reduced price.
Combat Sports and Fitness Groups
Advanced classes are for our members with basic skills in the sport. You need a membership to train at an advanced class. The membership is chosen based on your sport and group (eg. Muay Thai, Women). You can choose a membership that covers all coached training sessions. If you wish to have a more affordable membership, you can also choose a membership that only includes day or evening sessions.
Membership is based on a group, eg. MMA mixed group for adults. Members must have the basic skills in the sport they've chosen. Only Strength and Conditioning memberships do not require any beginners' courses or prior experience.
Memberships that include only the day or evening sessions of the group allow you to participate only in either the day or evening sessions of your group. All sessions that start before 4:30 pm are considered day sessions.
Memberships with all sessions include all coached sessions of the group (both day and evening sessions).
"All Combat Sports, All Sessions" membership allows you to participate in any coached session of any of our combat sports groups (excluding special groups such as women's groups or youth groups, if you don't fit the definition of the group). This membership also allows you to participate in the Strength and Conditioning training sessions.
14 vuotta täyttäneille jäsenille kuuluu kaikkiin jäsenyyksiin oikeus käyttää saleja 4 ja 6 valmennettujen treenien ulkopuolella mihin kellonaikaan tahansa (myös vain päivä- tai iltavuoron ostaneet jäsenet). Omiin treeneihin voi lainata salilta 5 löytyviä potkutyynyjä. Myös saleilta löytyviä säkkejä ja lattiakehää saa käyttää vapaasti!
You can pay the membership at once or in monthly installments.